Student Video Assessment Rubric Critical Thinking

2 min readJan 8, 2021

#Student @@Academic #Success @@@Center

These rubrics for critical thinking assessment are based on the stages of Bloom’s Taxonomy. They can be used for either teacher or peer assessment. Here are the 6 basic categories we cover: Questioning Abilities — This is all about a learner’s capacity for formulating questions and framing relevant inquiries around a problem or challenge.

The Critical Thinking Rubric 1) Identifies and summarizes the problem/questionat issue (and/or the source’s position). Scant Substantially Developed Does not identify and summarize the problem. is confused or identifies a different and inappropriate problem. Does not identify or is confused by the issue. or represents the issue inaccurately.

The STUDENT’S OWN perspective and position as it is important to the analysis of the issue. Addresses a single source or view of the argument and fails to clarify the established or presented position relative to one’s own. Fails to establish other critical distinctions. Identifies. appropriately. one’s own position on the issue. drawing support from experience. and information not available . . .

This rubric is intended for use in evaluating and improving student performance on critical thinking and problem solving assignments. Instructors are encouraged to share copies of the assessment rubric with students in advance of the students’ receiving the assignment …

Note: The class-friendly assessment rubric for critical thinking is supposed to assess a task targeting the acquisition of some learning outcome in a discipline or more. It is not meant to assess a “critical thinking” exercise. but just any exercise in which students have space to develop their critical thinking …

This workshop took place March 15 and 16. 2017. and was designed to help faculty consider ways to use rubrics to assess critical thinking. Video; Slides; Handout ; Critical Thinking VALUE Rubric. The Critical Thinking AAC&U VALUE Rubric provides a framework and language for developing a rubric that effectively assesses critical thinking. Editable Critical Thinking VALUE Rubric; All 16 VALUE . . .

Analyze/revise articulated le arning statements by applying standards of critical thinking through: Student self-assessment; Instructor feedback ; Finalize the articulated learning statements. aiming to fulfill all learning objectives in each categories and meet standards of critical thinking. Undertake new learning experiences. including when feasible. taking action on articulated learning . . .

Assessment rubrics Rubrics allow for quicker and more consistent marking. This can be extremely helpful in reflection. which can feel as if it needs to be assessed by instinct alone. A well-defined rubric will make marking of reflection systematic and support both you and the reflectors.

See also Facione and Facione’s (1994) “Holistic Critical Thinking Rubric . . . Give students a copy of the rubric when you assign the performance task. These are not meant to be surprise criteria. Hand the rubric back with the assignment. Integrate rubrics into assignments. Require students to attach the rubric to the assignment when they hand it in. Some instructors ask students to self-assess . . .




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